Initial Oral Examination

Oral Examinations in Eastpointe, Michigan

Your Peace of Mind

If you are switching dentists or have never visited a dentist before, we will complete an initial oral examination for you. This will help us determine the health and cleanliness of your teeth and gums. Our highly experienced team at Eastland Dental Center & Professional Dental Center will perform a thorough evaluation. Our process will identify anything that may develop into a more serious issue in the future.

What Your Exam Will Include

Your initial oral examination includes a visual examination, charting, periodontal probing, diagnosis and treatment recommendations. We will also take X-rays, which includes the panoramic X-ray for proper diagnosis of the anterior (front) and posterior (back) teeth as well as the bite-wing X-ray series for proper diagnosis of proximal decay of posterior teeth.

Care Options That Keep You Pain-Free

Once we have determined your oral health, we will have the information you need to make the best decisions for you and your loved ones. We will discuss your options with you and suggest the best course of action. This may include tailored treatments or simple routine cleanings.
Our team also listens to your concerns, priorities and goals. We want to hear your thoughts so that our services complement your lifestyle and help you achieve your dream smile. We believe you are worth it.
Safeguard Your Oral Health
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