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3 Easy Denture Maintenance Tips

Admin • October 20, 2019
Happy Senior Woman — Eastpointe, MI — Eastland & Professional Dental Center

Dentures may be immune to tooth decay, but some maintenance is still required to keep them in good condition. Caring for your dentures properly can add several years to their life and protect them from warping, cracking, and staining. Here are three easy tips that can keep your dentures bright and comfortable to wear for years to come.

Handle With Care and Eat Cautiously

Quality dentures may look virtually indistinguishable from real teeth, but they are always more fragile than enamel. Even a short drop from your hands into the sink can be enough to chip a tooth. It's a good idea to put a towel in the sink when you are rinsing your dentures so that you have a safety net in case you drop them.

Just as you should handle your dentures carefully, you should eat carefully when wearing them. Foods like seeds, nuts, and corn on the cob are well-known for the danger they pose to dentures, but other foods that you may not suspect can cause just as much damage.

When eating apples and other smooth-skinned fruits, dentures can sometimes slide along the surface and break rather than piercing the skin. And tough steak can potentially dislodge teeth from your dentures, as can sticky candies.

Avoid Drying and Excessive Heat

Your dentures fit comfortably because your dentist creates them from a mold of your mouth to ensure a precise fit. When dentures begin to warp, they can become quite uncomfortable as they start to pinch and rub against parts of your mouth that they didn't before.

While warping from normal wear should be minimal and take a long time, you can avoid a few mistakes that cause dentures to warp more quickly.

Allowing dentures to dry out is the most common occurrence that leads to them losing their shape. Dentures will shrink as they dry out, an effect that is especially pronounced around the outer edges of the dentures and can result in uncomfortable pinching of the gums.

Sometimes leaving them out for a night or two is enough to ruin the perfect fit they had before, so make sure you soak your dentures every night.

The second most common cause of warped dentures is repeated exposure to excessive heat. While hot foods and drinks are not usually a problem if consumed occasionally, rinsing dentures in hot water can lead to warping over the course of days or weeks.

Heat makes the plastic in your dentures more malleable, and they can easily fail to return to their original shape as they cool. Water for rinsing and soaking your dentures can be warm but never hot.

Don't Use Harsh or Abrasive Cleaners

Not all cleaning products that are good for your teeth will be good for dentures. The acrylic that makes up your dentures is much more susceptible to scratches on the surface than enamel is. The problem with these scratches is that they create excellent hiding spots for bacteria. Firm toothbrushes and whitening toothpaste are too abrasive for dentures and should be limited to natural teeth only.

You should be wary of any "home remedy" advice you hear for cleaning dentures. Chlorine and bleach are often thought of as good whiteners, but they can do more harm than good for your dentures. Bleach will weaken your dentures and can whiten the pink portions that should match the color of your gums. Chlorine can corrode any exposed metal pieces on your dentures.

Wearing dentures and maintaining them properly takes some getting used to but is well worth the benefit it can bring to your smile. Contact us at Eastland Dental Center & Professional Dental Center if you are considering dentures or have questions about keeping your dentures in good condition.

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