Dental Emergencies

Dental Emergencies Near Eastpoine, MI

Same-Day Help When You Need It Most

Accidents are a part of life. Your child may fall and chip a tooth. A baseball may strike your mouth. A lasting ache may suddenly become worse. No matter what your circumstance is, you do not need to bear the discomfort for long. We are open late on weekdays and offer appointments on weekends . When the emergency happens, call us today for prompt, thorough treatment.

Dental Emergencies Harper Woods — Eastpointe, MI — Eastland & Professional Dental Center

Effective Treatments You Can Trust

From emergency exams to professional treatments, we specialize in the services you need to remain healthy, hygienic and pain-free. When the unexpected happens, you can trust the friendly dentists at Eastland Dental Center & Professional Dental Center. Our advice and dental care is always tailored to you and your loved ones. No matter the issue, we are ready to provide the best options available.

Immediate Steps to Take

A knocked-out tooth or bitten tongue can cause panic in any parent, but quick thinking and staying calm are the best ways to approach such common dental emergencies and prevent additional unnecessary damage and costly dental restoration. It’s important to take measures such as applying cold compresses to reduce swelling and, of course, contacting our office as soon as possible.

We’re Ready for Your Call

If you are experiencing a dental emergency, call us today. Our team is ready to provide the care you need. We will identify the source of the pain as quickly as possible and discuss your options with you. Our team wants you to have the information you need to make the best decisions for you and your family. Our high-quality treatments will get you the relief you need to remain active and comfortable.
Call Our Team Now
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